Angel stepped out ofthe shower, smiling at her husband.
He held out a fluffy toweltowards her. “Hurry love, I have a surprise for you!”
purred as he driedher off briskly. “Can’t it wait, Devon? For, say, ½
hour?” She grinned wickedly at him, stretching languorously.
this time, butlater” He said softly, “Definitely later!” Then he
grabbed herhand and began to drag her out of the bathroom. Angel
giggled as hepulled her towards their room. Devon stopped just outside
the door.
“Changed your mindabout waiting?” She giggled.
I just want youto close your eyes. I’ll tell you when to open them.”
Devongrinned at her, obviously excited. Angel smiled back andclosed her
eyes. Devon took her arm, andcarefully led her into the room, turning
her a bit. She smiledpatiently, waiting to see the great surprise.
“Open you eyes,Angel.” Devon said gleefully.
Angel opened her
eyes,her smile dying as she saw his ‘surprise’. It almost looked likea
padded table, with some sort of a motor, and a mechanical armattatched
to the far side. Her heart sank as she began to suspectjust what the
contraption was. She stared silently atit, trying to convince herself
that it was NOT what she thought itwas.
“Do you like it?” Devon asked, still grinning.
“Uh, what is it?”Angel asked anxiously. She was pretty sure she knew EXACTLY what itwas, but one could always hope.
“Don’t youreckognize it? You came up with the idea!” Devon grinned at her. “Come here, I’ll show you how it works!”
backed away slightly. “I’d rather not Devon. I was joking, ok?” She
shook her head at him as he stepped towards her. “No, really! Idon’t
Devon grabbed her arm firmly, smiling widely now. “Tsk,
tsk love, not running away areyou? I built this myself you know! Just
for you, love! It’s the only think you asked for, and now-“ He half
carried, half dragged her over to the contraption. “Well, now you have
it!” When Angel did notanswer, he frowned at her. “You don’t like it?”
Angel looked at him in disbelief. “How could I? You are joking, right?”
Devon smiled at her. “Is this not what you asked for?”
“Well, yes. But youand I both KNEW I was joking!”
you? Well isn’t that too bad for you!” With that ominous sounding
statement he gently forced Angel to bend her nude body over the
“I made a few changes to your design” he commented as
with a hand on her back he kept her in what she joking (or maybe not so
jokingly) referred to as “The Position”.
“Uh, Devon? I-“Angel stammered, but Devon interrupted her.
“I allowed for some adjustment at this end,” and he raised a section of
the bench so that her rear was now higher than her head, her feet not
quite touching the floor. “Oh! And of course I added these,” Hepointed
out the restraints at the base, so convenient for securing her hands.
Once he had attached her wrists, he bent down by her feet. “More
restraining devices here as well.” He murmured as he deftly secured her
ankles as well.
“Honey, I-“ Angeltried again.
“Shush, please note,Angel, that you are now held securely. You can still wiggle and squirm, but not much else!”
“Uh, yes. I can seethat you did a fine job, Devon!” she said sarcastically. “Very,very funny. Now let me out!”
can do, I am not finished yet showing you the new and improved wife
spanking machine!” He placed a light swat on her upturned tush to make
his point. “Now pay attention love, there may be a test later!” he
chortled. “I also made one other addition.” He slowly pushed a button
and Angel heard a familiar soft buzzing.
“Devon! What-Ohhhh!”
She half wailed and moaned as the familiar noise proved to be her
vibrator, somehow geared so that it lined up perfectly. It smoothly
entered her.
“I can set it to 5 different speeds. Did you want a
demonstration?” She could tell he was laughing, but with the vibrator
pulsing inside her she was beginning to think that his ‘invention’ might
not be so bad after all!
“Was that a yes? Verywell!”
that he adjusted the mechanism so that the vibrator was slowly
thrusting in and out. She sighed as she squirmed in pleasure.
“Eureka! It works”
as she was forgetting what else this machine would do, so lost in the
pleasure she was feeling, Devon spoke again. “Some things,however,
remain the way you designed them,” Devon said nonchalantly, “such as
this.” With those words she heard themachine come to life. Panciking,
she squirmed and thrashed, trying to get loose. She heard a soft
swishing then.....
“CRACK!” The mechanical arm brought the attached paddle down on her exposed buttocks, eliciting a small shriek from Angel.
“Devon please, I-“
to slow perhaps? Let me adjust it.” Devon was obviously enjoying
himself as he adjusted the machine so that it brought the paddle down
Then, on top of the stinging swats from the machine, she could feel the vibrator thrusting with a bit more speed as well.
Her body squirmed and quivered in pleasure and discomfort. She gasped and whimpered.
“Gee, Angel, and my hand doesn’t sting. Lets try the third setting now, okay?” Devon quipped.
ow, ooooh” Angel moaned and whimpered some more, pleasure and pain
warring for her attention. Then her body arched as the vibrator picked
up pace again, thrusting quickly in and out. She could feel the
tremors radiating outwards as she began to orgasm.
Then the
mechanical arm sped up as well, landing several hard swats as she
convulsed in pleasure. She lay there spent,not even noticing as Devon
turned the machine off and undid her wrists and ankles.
He held her close for afew minutes, then started to laugh.
“What?” she asked,puzzled.
“If you could have seen your face when you saw your surprise!” He chortled harder.
She glared at him. “You KNOW what I thought”
“Yes, Angel. So,”He paused grinning at her, “Did you like your surprise?”