I would love it if there was a website where one could compare their naughty wish list to other people's and perhaps gain some ideas!!
Here is mine:
-Belly ring fixed
-various types of rope, lengths of 4' and 15' and 30' of exotic colours
-all kinds of leather hides, suede, fur etc
-a leather full, over breasts corset with long vampire skirt and long cape OH YES PLEASE!!
-a decorative gold chain slave girl outfit. mmmmm
-new BOB's
-I want clips with chains to go from nipples to clit, more sensual than holy shit that hurts ish
-Bondage Bench!!! that collapses to go under my bed please
-I want some of those prickly wheels and stuff we saw at luper, sensory toys
-Feather boa
-CanCan outfit
-Cheerleader outfit
-Red Leather Catsuit with mask and boots!!
-Fancy urn for my canes
-My own Cross, but hideable....
-Fur lined ankle cuffs
-Princess dress (I'd like to be rescued please)
- A Lady's dagger
-Medeival erotic art for my room
-I want swagger boots (long story)
-Costume trunk!
-dragon cane... dammit
-various oils of varying tingly making
-a professionnally done erotic photo shoot
-A real desk
Good start, right?