We arrived at the ballroom and recieved our name badges. Happily we ran into a gentleman we had been talking to on Fetlife, which helped us to not feel so stranded. The room was packed!
We wandered the vendors, spending way more than I had planned. There were so many exciting items! What we did end up with was a very evil ebony paddle, a deceptive leather paddle that is yummy on one side and evil on the other, a twilting style cane, both of Cassandra Parks books (It's supposed to hurt), an OTK T shirt, a video and a book from Shadow lane. All books were signed!!
I have to say, after watching every shadow lane video I can get my hands on and reading every paperbook by Eve Howard that I have discovered, I nearly died to be standing across the table from Eve herself. What a lovely Lady! I was all blushing with feelings of awe, turned around and nearly died on the spot!!
Some of my very favorite spankers and brats were just standing there!! I halted, floored, then got a grip on myself and headed to The Brit's table, flustered all to heck.
There I spoke with the ladies and got myself enrolled into the academy, an event planned for the next day. I was overtired, giggly, thrilled and terrified by the entire bit... And poor Sir!! There he was, still in his traveling clothes, as his darn bag still had not shown up...
Sir and I did hang out and enjoy the dinner, taking note of suite parties and whatnot, until we finally snuck out for a breather. We are both quite shy and felt way out of our element.
Once in our room we discovered that his bag had been found!! If we had just waited a few minutes before leaving for the dinner, Sir could have dressed up some...
Sir decided this was my fault (not fair!! I oh so did NOT set the time for dinner!! Can I help it that I like to arrive in a timely fashion???) and we had a long playtime in which he used all of our new toys and most of the toys we arrived with... It isn't often that I kick my feet, but I sure did for that darn leather paddle!! I love the other side though... It is my new favorite!
After a shower and a cuddle we dressed for spanking Olympics (LATE!!!) and headed to the appropriate suite. The Olympics were fabulous! I judged one event and we watched a few before Sir dragged me out of there. I believe he could see that I was working up courage to enter us into an event, mwahahahaha.
We changed into our army outfits and headed to the sixties/nam party. Many people there spoke to us with warmth, which was lovely. To all of you who introduced yourselves, thank you! I wish I had been brave enough to make play dates with you! We watched events, with me getting giddier by the minute... I am ever the voyeur, really!!
We returned to our room, exhausted. Three hours sleep and over stimulated, I found myself bratting my way into yet another spanking, followed by unmentionable fun, shower and falling asleep wrapped safely in Sir's arms.
We scooped some time at the pool, grabbed breakfast and then Sir kindly dressed me for the academy. He laced me into my corset, snapped my stockings in and helped me into my long tight skirt and blouse. Sir felt the need to round off this helping with a lovely blissful sighing spanking, pictures and kisses, then walked me to the academy...
OH MY GOOD GRIEF!!! What a wicked fun day. Mrs. Darling and her co-star (oops I mean co-spanker) were amazing role players. Some of the girls were incredible at playing naughty schoolgirls, I was quite jealous.
I did end up over Mrs. Darlings knee once, and sent to the superintendent once, but for the most part I was too busy giggling at the girls to brat it up (and shy... so shy).
Other ladies have told this tale better than I can, check them out in the list of blogs at shadow lane.
Sir came and got me about three o'clock, so I missed the end of class. We went and did some shopping, then I had more spankings, (at which he was shocked that I had no marks at all, and proceeded to try and fix this) I love the way Sir spanks... But I certainly had some whimpers this time.. i may not mark much, but some areas were getting quite sensitive!!
We headed to the dinner, but left shortly after as Sir needed ZZZ time.
I waited till he was asleep and pouting I dressed up and snuck out to the suite parties.
Bad.. I know... BUT
Although I wandered the parties, talked to many and had one lovely lady give me the tiniest of spankings, I did stay out of trouble. I did not drink, i did not play with anyone (not that anyone asked me :), which made it easy to not get into trouble, no?) I returned to the suite, pj'ed up and crawled into bed... sad that there was only one night left.
The next day we went to spanking court, where someone tattled about my solo adventure. After court was yet another of Sir's rather hard spankings... Which I pretended to be whiny about, not that I fool him any. We headed to the strip, shopped and went to a show.
If I was more gregarious I would have had a wicked good time. So many people spoke to me that I would have loved to play with, but I had not idea how to convey that, or if it was acceptable to even approach people.. All that talk on fet about creepers asking to play had me hesitant as hell.. We still had a great time!!! But most of my fun came from Sir. Which seems silly if you go all the way to Vegas, lol. But.. We met some amazing people!
Next time We will do things differently. More networking, more mingling, less drinking, no gambling and twitter from day one.
Hugs and laughter
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