Monday, 16 March 2015

I give, but you can't take

Warning this is a bit of a rant

I am venting about the very few individuals that seem to feel entitled to my time, my friendship, or my body.
I give my time to the community on many levels, when I can and where my Sir and I see fit. I try to ensure that I am adding value to the community, not just sucking up all that it has to offer for my own gratification.
I gift my time to many things, from volunteering at events to sharing my time and knowledge in other ways.
You can't take my time from me as you see fit.
I give my knowledge (what little I have) in workshops, one on one, via conversations, videos, pamplets, stickies, you name it. Demanding I mentor you is not going to work. Mentoring is a relationship and relationships cannot be forced.
I love to play. I give of myself to those I play with. You cannot play with me unless I also want to play with you. My not wanting to play with you is not an insult. I have the right to form my own relationships without worrying about your ego.
I enjoy meeting people. I accept friendings from those I have met or share a passion with. Even if you are one of my Fetlife Friends, you cannot force your way into being my intimate friend. I have the right to keep you in the 'acquaintance zone' if I don't feel the connection. You have the right not not feel the same about me that I feel about you.
I give passion freely to those I am intimate with. You cannot take that passion, it requires trust, connection, love. These things do not form out of guilt, manipulation, lies or force.
I give touch, cuddles, caring and support to those I care about. You can demand this, but it won't be given to you unless I am comfortable touching you, cuddling you, and I care about you.
I don't demand that you love, hug, fuck, touch, teach, play with, demo for or hang out with me, don't expect me to do this with you.
I am glad that there are so few that need to have this spelled out. The majority of those I meet in the community are amazing at boundaries and communication-I love all that I have learned so far while on this journey.

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