When you touch my heart for a moment, I value you.
If you did something that touched my life in this way I likely told you
so. I would have messaged you/told you in person/emailed you or somehow
said that what you did or said touched me.
When you connect with me, be it with rope, whips, hands, paddles, etc
during 'play', I adore you. If you have played with me and we connected during play, I told you so. I thanked you. I told you what about it touched me.
When you are there in a time of need, I am humbled by you. I told
you how much it meant. I used my words and thanked you. I wrote you a
note, or a letter, or an email. I may have hugged you and with tears
glittering but not falling, told you that you are amazing, and that I am
If you touch my life I try to touch yours. I really do try to let those around me know how much I value them.
If you are part of my life, sometimes I may fall out of contact.
Remember those times when I shared with you how you touched my life.
Know that it is not a personal decision when I don't reach out, when I
fall out of touch. It is school, grandkids, classes, house projects.
This has been an insanely busy year, even for me. But the truth is...
the truth.. is...
I treasure those moments. Those moments get me through the darker times in life.
Even when you don't hear from me, you don't see me every
day/week/month or hell even every year-if you touched my heart in some
way, that moment is forever, even if we never connect again.
(If this was facebook I could Tag you all in this post. If you
connected with me at some time and EVER doubt that I remember how,
message me and ask, I am always happy to share positive moments. )
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