Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Giving power as self empowerment

Just mulling over how this whole power thing works... Funny that it is easy to just assume that by allowing someone to have power or control we must be weak, lesser, victimized and abused and yet... the power of being ABLE to make such a choice, with a partner that does not abuse it, is incredible.
Self empowerment is in so many of the little details.  Taking control of one's own day to day, for certain.  But what about being comforatable with one's needs? Being able to have boundaries that while flexible are not weak? Walking nude across the room in front of someone without any shame, being able to have someone disagree with you without your feeling of self disintegrating...
So many ways to gain self empowerment.
Every choice I make for myself, every stride I take towards being comfortable with who I am and hwa tI need is empowerment.
And.. I like it.. I like it very much.  Long ways to go but..

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