Our first candles looked a bit rough but man, they were a blast to play with. As you can see in the photos,

We began to sell the candles, as many who play with wax are purchasing paraffin candles and finding that the temperature of the dripping wax varies. We had heard a few stories of burns and what not. Our goal was to produce a sensual candle that could be tolerated by most skin types, and I think we succedded.
However... Feedback indicated that the colours were just not vibrant enough. Some of the more S/m players in the community wanted a wax that was hotter as well. Additional FHB was simply not happy with the way the candles looked.
So... We upgraded our molds, practiced, experimented with different candle dyes and voila!

I find these candles are still great fun, and we decided to make tapers, so that candles could be placed in suspension ropes, for predicament play. Those candles looked AMAZING but there were some issues... Mainly they are very narrow, so they tend to curve from body temperature, which created some issues for use.
I managed to make it work though, and bunny found that the wax, dripping in the same spot over and over, was very HOT, as each drip traps a little more heat.
Here you can see bunny suspended (she is gorgeous, no?) and the candles are dripping away. They fit nicely in the rope, but I think they need to be more wedge shaped, and perhaps dipped in a harder wax.

We are now making Three types of candles.
Sensual Pillars:
UV Black Light Pillars
BDSM Tapers
The pillars, which are all low temperature wax, melting at between 124 and 126 degrees. These candles are easily tolerated by MOST skin types. The UV pillars are so much fun! They glow under blacklight!

You can purchase these at my store at www.aropedeevil.com They are available in Green, Yellow, Orange, Red, Pink and Blue. The Yellow and Green glow the brightest, but you can see in the picture above that the other colours also glow.
I am using an LED blacklight flashlight that I purchased on Amazon for $14.00, to use at the trade shows when selling the candles, but I have a bar light that we will install for this type of fun. I think you could drip wax on your bottom with abandon, then write messages with the glow wax!
I am very ahppy with these. The colours are bright, even without the blacklight. (Note that the photo to the upper right is a mix of glow and regular wax)
These are some of our BDSM taper candles. Note that these are HOT, burning at between 124 and 129 degrees. Not for the light hearted, and the risk is greatly increased for injury. Test by using at a distance of 18 or more inches above skin. I suggest that these are used AFTER a barrier of low temprature wax is on the skin. I cannot stress this enough: These candles are not 'low temperature'. Use at your own risk, and please, take care.

It feels amazing and leaves your skin soft! Highly recommended these!
ReplyDeletehahaha, I didn't know you perved my blog... lol