Sorta Real, Sorta took some creative licence, different style of writing...
stood, took me by the wrist and headed to the kitchen with me in
tow...he reached my queen anne chair, pulled that out with one hand, sat
down and drew my unresisting body over his knee...snugged me in and
said, "mmm..nice view" (skirt was way short) which made me blush.
swatted me for a bit..skirt sorta covering my bored of that
after about ten minutes (me purring the whole time lol) so he drew my
skirt up and stepped up the intensity..
He its a talker so the
whole time he is"you have such an amazing ass...its that getting a
little sensitive? No? Are you laughing you brat? hmm not laughing
now...oh you are so wet ..what kind of naughty girl gets wet from
getting a spanking?"
Just when I am starting to breath into every
sting he yards be back to reality by winding his hands in my hair and
lifting me til I am making eye contract and said..."do you know what
wet...naughty...girls get??" And he grabbed his new strap...showed it
to me....then scooped me in one motion (gasp from me..that startled eep
sound that only girls make...) And carries me to the bed
Puts me
on my knees feet towards him..lifts my hips and shoves me forward at the
shoulders...which leaves me ass up, skin pulled tight cuz of
position..hands splayed exposed..the whole time commenting
on how incredibly accessible I am in this position, telling me how he
can see by how wet I am that I am oh do not taking this
seriously...petting my very warm butt, letting his hands just barely
brush over yummy places, repositioning a little and then a rather holy
shit swat with that strap..waits for me to move my hips that
wee bit and again..each time waiting for my exhale before landing
another slightly harder slightly lower...until I am hyper ventilating a
little struggling to breathe it through..making mewly noises...then he
stops..soothing his hands over my butt and back..telling me how good I
have been..his sexy...petting and soothing..then starts again..bit more
sexy petting..some fingers..some biting on my overly sensitive cheeks
again sooth and repeat until I am an orgasm mess, my ass a glowing
red, my body limp and submissive, being cuddled and soothed.
So I
am laying there, scratches down my arms (I scratch myself, the sheets,
legs, you, whatever is handy... to the point where I keep my nails VERY
short because of it).. I come back to myself, and giggle, hearing my
panting/whimpering noise I didn't know I was even making... awareness
comes back in stages when you hit 'subspace' (google it) As I can focus a
little I toss a smile at my friend, who takes that as "I am all good!
Keep Going!" (which it was). He tosses a couple of pillows to the middle
of the bed, talking to 'himself'
"Hmmm... Will those lift your
little hips high enough do you think? perhaps another.... need a
Verrrrryyyy goood view"... He plumps the pillows then slaps a freaking
cane down on the bed right in front of my face.
Now.. this is where having a playmate that 'gets you' is oh so much fun.
I have a very love/hate relationship with canes.
There is that yummy tingling aprehension combined with anticipation...
Unlike spanking, though.. canes hurt. Not broken bones hurting, but still...
just seeing it, hearing the sound it made going through the air and as
it hits the bed, has me shook... Internal thoughts going in circles, do I
trust him? Do I want to do this? oh I want to.. I am excited, my heart
is pounding so hard, I can feel that tingle blush spread up my body
(sigh, nice that I can't hide that feeling either... Someone is mean and
calls it my girl version of a hardon... *sniff*) but I am scared too,
or perhaps apprehensive is a better word. my skin dews up (nervous, who
me?) and I can picture how UNDIGNIFIED this is going to be.. a Girl does
not make only nice movements and sounds for a cane. This girl HATES being undignified...
am so busy with my thoughts that I hadn't realized HE was talking to
ME, until a hand snugs in the back of my hair, lifting me until I am
upright, kneeling on the bed and stretched up and back slightly so he
can make some rather serious eye contact.
"Do I have your
attention now, little one?" he asks, with that smirk that guys get that
is SO ANNOYING.. but I swallow that (don't lip of men with sticks,
right?) and purr, "oh yes you have my attention Sir, you do!!" and I
smile and blink, getting a throaty chuckle and a tightening of his grip
on my hair which of course gets a small whimpery gasp sound.."Then you
need to do what I asked, do you not?" He says in that low voice that
means he is going to 'play the game'
See.. .I have learned
something about sexually dominant men. There is a game they play
called, "you can't win little girl, it is not fair, it is not supposed
to be fair-that is the point"
The point is to hammer in that
helpless feeling, to really get the gal's brain understanding that she
is oh so not in charge right now. It is a fun game, lol. But I struggle
with that childish need to say, in my best whiny voice, "nooooooo So
VERY not FAIR!!!!!!"
But Play the Game I do so I answer, "I am
very sorry sirrah, but I have no clue what you asked me, I was still
blissed out from your attentions." (ha, i think to myself, make THAT my
"Did I ASK you for your excuse, little one?"
(grrr... not fair not fair) "ummm.. no sir you did not."
"Then you need to do what I asked"
should I guess? or sass?) "uh.. yessir.. I hear you" which has him
releasing my hair so suddenly that I fall forward, in a very ungraceful
heap on the bed and I HATE that and he knows it dammit... I gather my
dignity, feeling that delightful mix of anticipation verses nervousness
and decide sass is more fun. So I stand up stretch a little and head
towards the the kitchen for water.
"guess again Angel" he smirks at me...
"umm.. bathroom break?" i suggest, just to stall for time
"not a chance sweetheart." he is openly chuckling now, the rat...
I eye the bed and its evil pillows... no way no how am I putting myself
there, just saying.. and I cast my eyes about looking for any stalling
"I can see you have no intention of complying, so
that means this goes from a 'fun' experiment to a more 'traditional'
event... " He sighs in mock disappointment and I am not sure if I should
say "yippee!!' or beg mercy...
"Get over those pillows, Angel."
No joking now at all... and I try to make myself do it. I even manage
to walk over there, my knees barely holding me up.. And I shoot him a
glance.hoping he will just let me have my favored position- hell any
position but not this one.
(to be clear, I am sure it is a lovely
view for a boy... But it is a very very exposed view, as he insists that
the upper hips are FORWARD over the pillows, which stretches teh skin
very tight (makes it harder to be ok with the impact, too btw) and gives
a view of all private bits.. I don't like it!!)
I can't make
myself do it. I am frustrated with myself (just doooo itttt submit, you
can do it) but I am mortified and my body doesn't respond to my
internal dialogue.
He knows me well enough, I guess, cuz he just
smiles at me and waits it out. When I glance at him beseechingly I see
that he is being patient, but yet there is no room for compromise in
his visage either.
Yet.. I just can't do it. So I stand there.
grabs a water, sits down across from the bed on the bench and sighs.
The sound of that sigh wounds me, as I value my ability to give that
control over, and I know I am frustrating him that I still balk at
anything I precieve as lacking grace, being so.. undignified... I argue
with myself, remding myself that i will be horribly dissapointed if we
end things like this, that I DO trust him, that I LOVE the spanking, And
I am shaking and as red as a girl gets in motirification... But I drag
myself over.
In true mind play fashion, he had to rearrange me
a bit, making sure to really point out just how 'lovely ' it is to see
an 'upturned and so very exposed backside positioned for so very many
wonderful things" (sigh)... Then of course he has to talk non stop,
about how he figures we should test some limits, seeings how he has not
seemed to have 'made much of an impression' last time we played (no
marks hahahaha..)
I argued a bit, but was already getting all subby (breathless, feeling helpless..)
hear the swishy noise of the cane and tense with a whimper and he
chuckles, which brings me out of it a bit.... and I start to breathe,
relax muscles one at a time, letting my mind just go...
He started
with little wrist flicks, which leaves a girl sting, but nothing worth
kicking feet over, just prepping the nerves and just as I start to
relax, thinking, I oh so can do this he lands a perfect line right in
the middle.. And I am thinking... oooh that didn't hurt at all!! And I
let out my held breath just as the sensory data hits my brain which of
course makes me do a strange hissing squeaky noise.
man, he waits.. lets me breath through it... then back to the tap tap
tap then harder tap tap tap then harder yet TAP TAP TAP and I am
wiggling and struggling to bring my bound hands back, strugling as the
next line lands barely below the other..
And so it continues, until I am crying silent tears, wet to the knees, and so very very close to using my safeword...
I find myself curled up against a strong chest, hair being smoothed,
temple being kissed, lovely things being murmured about how awesome I
am, how proud he is that I was able to conquer it, how exquistely
gorgeous that was, you know.. pillow talk, lol Warpped in his arms
still he turns me a bit, one hand checking to make sure no skin broken,
tumbles us back in the bed, and snuggles me into his side, lots of
cuddling and crooning.
Then.. after I am calm, giggling
and talking, he asks me if I ahve "had enough" for now. I laugh. Give
him wide eyes.. and say, "of course not! but not sure my ass will agree
with me." He nudges me over to check again on skin and says... 'mmm ..
nope you are done for today.. likely for a couple weeks" I laughed...
all teh way up to seeing the bruises the next day... I guess he is
laughing now..
*addenendum Although this story has
been oh so changed from real to what you read here, The caning did
happen, the bruises are there and this glutton, less than a week later
is already starting to gear up for another spanking...Exam stress, who
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