You know...
I have been accused a time or too of being annoying. I tend to refuse to really dwell on the negative, to try and make lemonade with every sour piece of fruit I see (not just lemons!) and I am oh so aware that this is a great skill when applied to my own craptastic adventures and yet not so lovely when applied to say..... yours.
So, when things pile up and I am really, really starting to get negative, I find it incredibly that I end up in the presence of a very positive person (or several of such) to remind me to let negativity become instead learned wisdom, knowledge, insight, growth-to remember that all bad things have a flip side.
Being married twice, for different reasons, to men I thought were as different as night and day, and to have both marriages slowly morph into the same nonsense was disheartening to say the least. More so this time around, because I had really believed I had found someone to be peaceful with. I thought I was going to be the princess forever and ever.
When that ended, I wrapped my grief and bitterness around me like a cape of "get away", which is to be expected...except I forgot the next stage. I forgot the part where you ditch that cape for a cloak of reflection to find those positives, then move on-take the lessons and go.
T was what I needed at that time, i think. I am not happy, of course, with the continued need he has to create a wee bit of drama on occasion, but I am trying to forgive, myself and him so I can just move on.
Afterall, I learned a great deal from him. I learned that I am a sucker for being a princess, that I do NOT need my toxic family in my life (I can do it without the drama!! Who KNEW!!!) and he allowed me to rediscover being both weak and strong... I needed these things.
So, here is my pitcher of lemonade... Thanks T, for picking up the pieces when D&I divorced. I was a devastated woman and you picked me up, dusted me off, and sent me on my way.
Perhaps the rain is ended and I can have my rainbow fucking rainbow now (grins to you girl for the phrase of the century)
hugs and laughter,
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