My dear friend and I journeyed to Edmonton
for Lupercalia, an event organized by Edmonton O Society for kinky
adults. We have been saving our pennies in order to attend and have
been horribly excited/apprehensive about attending.
We drove all day, of course, but finally reached the hotel, frantically readied ourselves for the first event...
The event was... Amazing.
I have been long overdue for an adventure. Besides having a zillion
heart attacks just getting to the Raddison, due to things like city
traffic, lol, i have never travelled with this pal. So that in itself
was a lovely adventure, thankfully we came home with a stronger
friendship, not a ruined one

It is amazing to be able to talk freely about some of our own
adventures, and to know that neither is judging the other and that we
get the dynamics of play, even if your preferences and styles are much
different on some levels.
The first night was the Luper, the
Roman Festival. My pal is amazingly lady . I spent maybe thirty bucks
and she made these kick*ss togas. The shoulder strap is actually
little handcuffs from a belt she dismantled.
We were
given a bag of little coins, and got to go around 'gambling' from booth
to booth. You could choose to gamble however many coins, and if you
'won' the contest or passed the challenge you got more coins... Most
coins at the end of the night wins.
There was penis toss, Cock
Racing (you have to put a rubber chicken between your knees and race
around the pylons.. with a chicken hat on.. hilarious to
watch),and many other fun booths.
We never made it to a booth
ourselves, but truly, we were pretty overwhelmed watching. Some of the
togas were incredible! They had their contest, my dear friend was
awarded 'honorable mention' for the female garment (hers is just like
mine but purple and she LOOKS the part.) There was a parade to the
'dungeon' and we got to browse the 'market'.
We wandered the
market, people were incredibly friendly without that meat market feel.
No pressure. There were neat things there. Of course all kinds of
spanking things, from ooooooh!!!! to HOLY SHIT NOT EVER!!!!
bought some really cheap stuff (little mini things, cuz they are cute
and collected cards from many of the vendors. I have a wish list like
you have never seen! There was this awesome band there, the music is
awesome sex music (not sure if that is a girl thing, a bdsm thing or if
that makes sense to you, but the music is very... yummy) I bought one
CD and my pal another.
OOOH and a pile of books!!
There was this amazing stall with all these rope chokers with bells,
amazing wooden paddles that are made from exotic woods and we spoke with
those vendors at length. Amazing people! Another lady makes corsets
to fit, but they are out of my student budget at the moment. There was
another booth with all sorts of floggers with lovely goth look, chains
on the braiding of the handles and so forth. We stopped and got some
mouthy Tshirts from another vendor, browsed the many floggers, paddles,
collars, you name it.
Then we slowly and timidly headed into the
dungeon. (Dungeon rules are no penetration at all, so keep that in
mind as you read my take)
It was kinda ... empty.
A bit of overload, really. You walk in and first, there is sound.
The sound of spankings, moaning, squealing, giggling, chains moving,
leathery sounds, rustling of vinyl from costumes, the whimpers and
mewling that you know... seems to come with sexual activity. It took
me a few minutes to process the sounds...
Then you start to take
in what you are seeing...People tied to St. Andrew Crosses, nude,
partially nude and mostly nude. People in cages, people bent over
desks, strapped to tables and benches... I nearly swooned at it. All
those sounds, such an amazing thing, to stand there and voyeur like
Sir RK was lavishing his stylish attention on his lovely slave, whom I had just met, and that also was a treat.
We were pretty exhausted and overwhelmed and did not stay long that night....
were jolted out of our exhausted sleep about 430 in the morning as the
previous occupants of our room had kindly left the alarm clock set for
us. I swear I turned it off after the first piercing alarm, yet it came
back on after a short period of time... So I wrestled with that, ha!
headed off to classes for nine in the morning, still tired but excited!
The presenters were incredible, the course content as amazing! I had a
lovely time learning new things, having some of my core beliefs
challenged, gaining insights into my own cognitive processes, sensory
processing and seeing the many friendly people who are demonstrating in
so many ways, that they have such caring and respect for their
playmates/partner. The open acceptance on the part of the volunteers,
presenters and event goers was amazingly lovely.
We had classes
all day, managed to do a tiny bit of browsing, and I hogged the bathroom
in an attempt to be ready for the Libertine Ball.
The ball was a riot, the performers were amazing and the costumes were incredible!!!
favorite costume was the lady in the horse get up, in which her heals
were without the post, the costume was amazing and watching her and her
partner parade her about was incredibly amazing. Wow. The time
training for that and wow...just wow.
WE did go back to the
dungeon, we were going to do pictures and that sorta got waylaid. We
watched RK and f play a bit, and then RK and sc a bit, then poor RK was
gracious enough (and his lovely f gracious enough) to help me onto the
bench and provide me with a very lovely time.
I was spaced out for
the majority of it, but I am aware that he cycled through his many
implements, and some of them certainly were attention grabbing. He is
lovely at being able to pick things up or slow them down based on body
language which was lovely too. As I had my cycle I even got to keep my
knickers mwahahahaha.
I am terrified of the damned cane, after
the last fiasco, but he pushed those limits the teeniest bit, and it was
all fine. He calls that damned thing a dragon cane. I have a love
hate relationship with canes. The very thought makes me more than
terrified, but they are also orgasmic... If I can ride the wave-but
tears follow... bah and yum, hey...
I bounced out of there, barely
touching the ground, mulling over the many things, both from playtime
and classtime, and staggered into our room to find that the Undiscovered
had pizza and beverages for me!!! How amazing is that!?! I ate like a
piglet, passed out like a child, lol. Life was good.
Day Three
managed to sleep in, only because Undiscovered had reminded me about
the alarm, lol. She set her cell phone too, so we got up on time!
Classes were lovely, brunch was a bit awkward as I am way more comfy
typing than talking lol. But we ate with M, R and a stranger, and RK
and f joined us after a bit. We were all loosing that shine of energy
and excitement as day three wore on. Everyone was so sleepy. I was
starting to not feel great (partly my own fault, I was hanging out with
Undiscovered, who is a smoker, and I kept going into the smoking room
with her. Silly me, of course, as I am no longer used to that
Still, we managed to power through. We had dinner with
RK f and another couple (sorry, I can't remember your names) and pretty
much just took our time. We missed the round table, but I didn't care
at that point.
The lovely f asked if I would co-top RK which was
very exciting. He seemed edgy about it, so I happily volunteered to
let him paddle me silly first -poor f had already had two nights in a
row on the receiving end and besides, she looked amazing in her corset
dress... (and I am a glutton, I admit it!) So I happily climbed on a
bench, and alternated between orgasmy lovely fun, that subspace almost
napping relaxation, tears for that damned ruler and the meany followed
with the cane (could tell he wanted to be sure that i was not gentle
when his turn came, truly.... lol.... ok I am fibbing.. It was all very
lovely, barely any struggling-and that was more out of fear. I DID
manage to ride the last half of each set and I think, well I know, that I
get the love RK has for the cane.. OMG intense orgasm if you can
just... just... ride the pain instead of fight it... and it doesnt stop
... mean mean cane) I did oh so NOT want him to stop, but alas, my turn
was over.. Not sure I had any more moisture left in me either, so
likely was a good call on his part.

Besides, he knows I have been uh... out of the loop as it were, and thus oh so out of practice.
I had my land legs back, f got RK into this leather hood (what a neato
contraption!!) and we got him tethered nicely to the bench. I was
nearly bouncing in excitement... It was fun to watch RK react to our
teamwork, but I had to speak up, as I am aware of RK's world reknowned
"leather ass" and that we were being way too gentle.
I did some
lovely poking, and finally decided that a game was in order. So we
played the game called, "Angel is a sadistic top and will use this
faster and harder until you VERBALLY acknowledge that she has achieved a
rating of 6 or more on the 1-10 scale of ouch.
I could see
that lovely f was startled by the vigor needed to achieve a mere 6 from
her beloved RK. It is different for each of us, I know... But I was
very surprised that he had broken the very first rule he taught me.
ago, RK is the one that told me that as a bottom it was MY
responsibility to be very HONEST-even when it was difficult for my
pride. That if things were too gentle, I had to say so. That this is
part of the whole process of two people learning how to scene together.
So I scolded and lectured, paddled and flogged, got f to do the same,
until we got a few tens.
It was yummy. YUMMY!!! I was grinning
and giggling and having way too much fun. YUM!!Then, sadly it was over,
aftercare left us glowy, I cleaned up the bench, f cleaned up the toys
and we all parted ways.
I again staggered up to the room, fell face first on the bed and slept the night through.
Day four
had ordered me pizza the night before (I missed in in teh after glow)
and scolded me for not eating in her very caring and gentle way. We
managed to pack up, giggle and talking, and tried to leave the city.
I am a pathetic co-driver and as we exited the parking garage in the
wrong spot, we ended up driving around Edmonton a couple of times before
she found the way out (Thanks RK for the texting directions, lol... We
did nearly go to Saskatchewan... I know...) I was laughing so hard as
she was being so very sassy to RK's texts (funny how brave us submissive
are when we are in a car headed home, lol... Did I get that quote about
right Undiscovered??) For a gal who avoided all spanking times in the
dungeon she was sure full of sass, which made me laugh harder and thus
our exit from town took considerably longer than it should have.
is good to be home, my tush is fine, thanks! Amazing what ice and
vitamin E can do for a gal. Funny enough, but my shoulder hurts more,
although I was somewhat uncomfortable seated in the car.
We talked most of the way home, giddy over it all, really.
A lovely event. I will be going next year too.